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Surface Miner Benefits in the Mining Industry

Mining plays a crucial role in meeting the needs for industrial development and growth. One of the mining techniques commonly used to support mining productivity is surface mining, employing a surface miner.

The government itself has provided guidelines for good mining practices to realize environmentally friendly and community-conscious mining, as per the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources of the Republic of Indonesia Decree Number 1827 K/30/MEM/2018.

As a company operating in Indonesia’s Mining Services, PT Diesel Utama Mineral (DUM) consistently supports the government’s efforts to achieve eco-friendly mining practices and enhance the well-being of the surrounding community.

Surface mining is a mining method performed on or near the earth’s surface. This method is usually utilized for extracting minerals or materials found in open layers or deposits.

A surface miner is a type of mining equipment or machinery used to excavate and extract minerals or materials from the earth’s surface. This machine is specifically designed to remove the top layer of soil or rock to access deposits underneath, commonly employed in open-pit mining operations where the volume of material to be extracted efficiently is substantial.

The surface miner uses a cutting method to excavate material. It is equipped with a cutting drum or cutting head fitted with specialized cutting tools such as teeth or discs. As the machine moves forward, the cutting tool rotates and cuts the material, effectively excavating it.

Various advantages of using a surface miner include:

Selective Mining:

Surface miners can perform selective mining, with the capability to extract specific layers or types of material without the need for blasting across the entire area. This allows for more precise and efficient mining, reducing waste and maximizing resource utilization.

Lower Environmental Impact:

Surface miners generate significantly less dust, noise, and vibration compared to drilling and blasting methods. This contributes to a lower environmental impact and improves working conditions for operators.

Improved Safety:

By eliminating the need for explosives, surface miners provide a safer working environment for mine workers. This reduces risks associated with blasting operations, such as flying rock fragments, ground vibrations, and hazardous gases.

Cost Savings:

Surface miners can save costs by reducing drilling and blasting expenses, required labor, and production downtime associated with blasting activities. Additionally, the ability for selective mining helps optimize production and minimize waste.

High Production Rates:

Surface miners are designed for high production rates, allowing for efficient excavation of larger volumes of material. These machines can operate continuously, providing a steady flow of material for processing.

However, it’s important to note that the suitability of using a surface miner depends on various factors, including deposit type, material characteristics, and specific mining conditions. Proper planning, site evaluation, and adequate operator training are crucial for the successful implementation of mining operations using surface miners.

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